Criminal Barrister

What do criminal barristers do?

Criminal barristers generally represent people who have been accused of a crime by the police as the representatives of the state. This type of work can range across all different types of crime including traffic offences, property offences, violent crime and increasingly white collar crime such as fraud, forgery and computer related crimes to do with the misappropriation of credit cards or any other type of behavior or activity which has been deemed as inappropriate by the community through the institution of the common law increasingly, legislation.

How can a criminal barrister assist me?

If you have become involved in a criminal law matter, there are a number of things that a criminal law barrister can do for you. They can advise you on the strength of your case, or the essential weaknesses of the prosecution’s case and they can advise you on whether it would be advisable to plead guilty or otherwise given the circumstances of the case and any plea bargain offer that the prosecution might be making. A barrister can also attend court with you in relation to the charge and they can represent you in the court by making submissions about the evidence to the judge, jury or magistrate. If you are convicted, they can also argue in your favor about the sentence that should be imposed.

Where can I find a criminal barrister?

We have criminal barristers available who can assist you either to pursue your rights as a victim of crime or to defend yourself in relation to a charge from the police. Barristers generally charge approximately $300.00 per hour unless they are very senior in which case they may charge as much as $10,000.00 per day or more. If you require the services of a barrister, you should contact us immediately to ensure that we can get someone working on your case as quickly as possible.


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