Immigration Laws Australia

What are the main immigration laws in Australia?

The main laws which form the regulatory system in Australia for migration are the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) and the associated regulations. This piece of legislation is ultimately created under the powers given to parliament by section 51 of the Australian Consitution. The original purpose of the Australian Federation was in part to protect the borders of the continent of Australia which included the creation of a system of border control under the migration act. The Migration Act creates the system of visas in place in Australia and the administrative framework for regulating them including the aspects of ministerial and departmental discretion which are involved in the operation of the law of migration in Australia and the appeals processes which allow people disaffected by decisions of the government to review the decisions of the department through forums such as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and eventually the Federal Court if necessary. The immigration laws in Australia are complicated and it if getting increasingly difficult to obtain permission to migrate to Australia. This is especially true since the government’s move away from the ‘Big Australia’ population policy which means that the government will not be as accomodating for people wishing to emmigrate to Australia on the basis of the need for population growth.

This increasing stringency of the requirements and the complication of the system means that it is necessary to obtain professional advice to ensure that your interests are protected and that you have the best possible chance of getting the immigration result that you want. If you have an inquiry about immigration law, we have specialist immigration lawyers available to assist you. Using any of the contact methods available on this site, one of lawyers should answer you almost instantly if you explain your circumstances to us.


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